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use remote file's last modified value for downloaded file

Vincent Bourgmayer requested to merge 942-prevent-timestamp-change into main


Force to use remote file's last modified value after a download


Technical details

This fix, cannot explain why some files are reupload after a download, or is changed on the cloud!

In DownloadFile Operation, I add debug instruction to print "lastModified" from remote file at origine of Download, and value from the downloaded & moved file.

I wonder if result would be different or not and it is different:

03-23 11:29:56.996  3145  5185 V DownloadFileOperation: Downloaded file raw modifiedTS 1679567396000 vs remote modified TS 1679303545000
03-23 11:36:01.016  3145  5852 V DownloadFileOperation: Downloaded file raw modifiedTS 1679567761000 vs remote modified TS 1679321766000

However, when we look into gallery, I can't see any difference between with or without this fix...

DB without the fix:eelo_drive.db

DB with the fix: eelo_drive.db


In the top db picture it's without the fix. image

In the bottom db picture it's with the fix image

On the cloud: image



10 commandments of code reviews


Edited by Vincent Bourgmayer

Merge request reports
