Camera into text has wrong text. The shutter color is changed to white. The text is showing button color is blue. This MR fix that text issue.
Test environment
Download apk from https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/camera/-/jobs/284817/artifacts/file/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. Install apk into device, open camera app.
Test procedures
Open freshly installed camera app. In the first run, into dialog should pop up. check the message, it should mention white button on it.
Technical details
For other language translations, weblate will notify translator when he found the text in the default strings.xml file is changed. So that, translators can update the text accordingly.
Check list
Self review -
Test procedure explained -
Tested on fresh install -
Tested applied as an update -
License -
Internal documentation -
User documentation
Edited by Fahim Salam Chowdhury