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Added basic structure for local storage

Nishant D requested to merge 1347-improve-local-cache into epic103-improve_app_lounge


Implement persistence storage generic code. Here we are using shared preference to store the local cache.

Technical details

Local storage consists of PersistedItem and PersistedConfiguration. PersistedItem: Class mostly focus on generic implementation for Shared Preference. PersistedItem supports Int, Boolean, and String as a datatype. PersistedConfiguration: The PersistedConfiguration class is a helper to access properties. All the properties are maintained in the enum class as PersistenceKey. Using PersistenceKey properties can be set/get via the PersistedConfiguration class. E.g. Set the persistent property - context.configurations.updateInstallAuto = true Get the persistent property - val isUpdateInstallAuto = context.configurations.updateInstallAuto


AndroidJunit test cases are present for this implementation. Below are the scenarios to cover.

  1. Check called methods return correct datatypes. - Done
  2. On setting a new value return the latest value from properties - Done
  3. In case of storing Json string, accessor/mutator extension should work - Done


10 commandments of code reviews


Edited by Nishant D

Merge request reports
