[DISCUSSION] New unified Result class.
Modify the existing Result class to play well with existing code and accommodate new use cases, example for network timeout.
Test environment
Test procedures
Technical details
Main challenge is to make Result.data
non-null in all cases. This can be achieved by defining it as non-null lateinit
type variable and never initializing it for error cases. In all pre-existing code we never access data
for error cases, hence this should not be a problem.
Another alternative is to use the class ResultSupreme
(name will be later changed). It adheres to expected patterns as observed here: https://github.com/android/architecture-samples/blob/main/app/src/main/java/com/example/android/architecture/blueprints/todoapp/data/Result.kt
Check list
Self review -
Test procedure explained -
Tested on fresh install -
Tested applied as an update -
License -
Internal documentation -
User documentation