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Commit bd315d9a authored by Kir Kolyshkin's avatar Kir Kolyshkin
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Fix very long tab on "webentry w/o settings" layout for Georgian (ka)

This is an addition to git commit 2f4ef404 for Georgian (ka)
keyboard which was not covered by that commit. See Gerrit
change Ie3e9c8f3 (


Below is the original text from the above mentioned commit.

Change-Id: Ida533d5e89e53f6dc6cbc54c10d73d0e1e81fd27
    There is a webentry layout used to input data in forms, it
    has the tab key next to space. There are two variants of that
    layout -- with and without settings key.

    The variant with settings key (a default one) is fine: space bar
    is almost as wide as in other layouts, plus there is a narrow tab key
    to the right.

    The variant without settings key is problematic: space bar width
    is only 50% of its usual size, and tab key is as wide as space. It
    is problematic because a user who expects space to be there is
    hitting tab instead. I believe it's a bug in layout (caused by XML
    code copy-paste) and it's not found/fixed because most people
    do not disable 'settings' key in preferences and use the other
    version of the layout.

    Unfortunately the bug is propagated to all of the layouts,
    so we have to fix it in lots on places at once.

    Fortunately the fix is obvious - just use the same layout as with
    the settings key.

Signed-off-by: default avatarKir Kolyshkin <>
parent 282b67e1
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