R: display preversion when available
Test environment
Testing is quite tricky, so I guess a code review should be enough
otherwise you will need to deploy LineageOTA with this specific MR
e/infra/LineageOTA!37 (merged)
add builds specific to your device. These builds need to be tagged as alpha/beta/rc and be more recent than your current build. You can modify a build.prop to reflect this
Test procedures
If you are using the above ota system, please create a build with FEATURE_BRANCH
please note that there is a tmp commit allowing clear traffic for tests, to be reverted before merge
change your ota url to your own server
adb root && adb remount
adb shell 'echo "lineage.updater.uri=http://your-local-ip/api/v1/{device}/{type}/{incr}" >> /system/build.prop'
adb reboot
then list available updates
To come
Check list
Self review -
Test procedure explained -
Tested on fresh install -
Tested applied as an update -
License -
Internal documentation -
User documentation