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Commit e9054e32 authored by Tony's avatar Tony Committed by Tony Wickham
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Remove quick switch and improve quick scrub

- Hide hotseat and center recents vertically during quick scrub
  - Don't animate the state change if launcher wasn't already visible, but still
    wait until the window animation completes before scrubbing past the next app
- Change interpolator of window as it scales offscreen during quick scrub, so that
  it gets out of the way faster and you can see the motion of the next app taking
  its place
- Remove haptic when snapping to task when quick scrub starts (there's already a
  haptic from the home button)

Bug: 70180755
Change-Id: I83f25bc8b791da0676c13fd62698e1f486dc016f
parent f6a8f955
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