Merge "[automerger skipped] Move the app to /system_ext am: 1a1c3c55 -s ours...
Merge "[automerger skipped] Move the app to /system_ext am: 1a1c3c55 -s ours am skip reason: change_id If15f854a33aef9098c1ff27bad2a3b49742b633b with SHA1 38ea5566 is in history" into stage-aosp-master am: 84dc850d -s ours am: e327f6bf -s ours am skip reason: Change-Id If15f854a33aef9098c1ff27bad2a3b49742b633b with SHA-1 38ea5566 is in history Change-Id: I57506f0e1b03011aa75104f663fec56eb2a30ec4