when user changes event timezone, start/end same time in new timezone
as opposed to silently and invisibly expressing the absolute point in time in new timezone. E.g. if the event was: start: 14 February 19:00 (invisibly: UTC+2) end: 14 February 23:00 (invisibly: UTC+2) tz: UTC+2 and the users changes the tz to UTC+3, the times must be changed to: start: 14 February 19:00 (invisibly: UTC+3) end: 14 February 23:00 (invisibly: UTC+3) as opposed to remaining: start: 14 February 19:00 (invisibly: UTC+2) end: 14 February 23:00 (invisibly: UTC+2) and thus on save becoming: start: 14 February 20:00 UTC+3 end: 15 February 00:00 UTC+3 which is not what the user meant... Change-Id: Ifce03e227b3f693e18e0588947bc32b7fc264369
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