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Commit e40b32fd authored by Jorge Ruesga's avatar Jorge Ruesga Committed by Steve Kondik
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Request 5936: Stopwatch & Countdown

Stopwatch and Countdown applications on Deskclock activity, request in issue 5936.
The DeskClock is now a ViewPager, with StopWatch <-> DeskClock <-> CountDown fragments, allowing
swiping between pages.

Patch 2: Clean up
Patch 3: BigTextStyle notifications, TimerHelper and extract titlebar color
Patch 4: PowerManagement improvements:
           * CPU WakeLock in TimerClockService
           * New flags on startActivity on TimerClockService for determine if is necessary force turn on the screen
             (force to use onCreate instead of onNewIntent to avoid that screen not turning on when user pressed the
             power button previously)
           * Dim on StopWatch and CountDown after 30 seconds
         Correct a bug that not restart the UI thread when the both timers are running and a countdown is reached
Patch 5: Improve layouts for big screens
Patch 6: Use stat_notify_timer drawable for large icon notification
         ViewPager indicator (Trebuchet like)
Patch 7: Brief tutorial of hidden options at first use (Trebuchet like)
         Remove WIP
Patch 8: Use device density for resolve status bar height
Patch 9: Improved layouts: now are based on screen width, not clock width
         Autoresize DigitalTimerClock to fit the parent view
         Fixed bugs
Patch 10: Fix milliseconds overflow on big numbers
          Set DeskClock fragment as the first page. StopWatch and CountDown are now at the right of DeskClock. Updated
             tutorial to reflect the change.
          Change scrollbar indicator fade to 650 millis, like Trebuchet
          Fix more bugs
Patch 11: The milliseconds of the clock were not adjusted because of a typo in the for loop
Patch 12: If a timer in resume state exists, reset button doesn't reset the partial timer (thanks Sam Mortimer)
          Add a refresh ratio, and separate refresh ratios of portrait (50L) and landscape (100L). Portrait
          performs better
          Clean up
Patch 13: Add overflow menu button to devices with no hardware menu key
          Forces to show deskclock fragment where the device is inserted in the dock.
          Use SparseArray instead of HashMap, as Google Lint suggest for better performance
Patch 14: Clean up (code style, debug information)
Patch 15: Clean up strings to match Android conventions
Status: Ready for merged

Change-Id: Ib30b9cdc371f535d899b0b9794a2ac68a1d18fe5
parent ef4c1a8e
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