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Commit a6d60024 authored by rayhdez's avatar rayhdez
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Making NN hardware interface libs "host supported"

Changing static libraries in hardware/interfaces/neuralnetworks to be
"host supported", meaning that the libraries within this directory
will be available on the host/linux build to make integration and
debugging more efficient.

Host Supported Libs:
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_0
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_1
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_2
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_3
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_aidl
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_common

Host Supported Tests:
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_0_test
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_1_test
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_2_test
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_1_3_test
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_aidl_test
* neuralnetworks_utils_hal_common_test

Bug: 146324523
Test: neuralnetworks_utils_hal_*_test
Change-Id: I1d7c665169d2ce0c978b1e510e71f1371402a950
parent de829572
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