[automerger skipped] Merge "Fix NPE on getTitle()" into qt-dev am: afee5a72...
[automerger skipped] Merge "Fix NPE on getTitle()" into qt-dev am: afee5a72 am: 72c56e2c -s ours am: b1cc7299 -s ours am: e30ae20f -s ours am: 22e16824 -s ours am: 4980fa43 -s ours am: b3ed4026 -s ours am: 0f16516d -s ours am skip reason: Merged-In I35bf6f5911dc0ee56e43af7faddaceb479362863 with SHA-1 c006ad91 is already in history Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/frameworks/base/+/15888886 Change-Id: I13411966e82d679fb0a912173d370b88ca8f1882
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