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Commit d2280b81 authored by jiayongqiang's avatar jiayongqiang
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Fix deadlock issue.

It might cause deadlock sometimes:

The locking order of setEventsMask is:
    registerDisplayListener -> <DMG.mLock> -> setEventsMask -> <class lock>;

The Locking order of handleMessage is:
    Looper.loop -> Looper.loopOnce -> Handler.dispatchMessage -> handleMessage -> <class lock>;

Therefore, when the registerDisplayListener is called by client,
the DisplayListenerDelegate.handleMessage also called by DMS's callback,
at this time, if the method with DMG.mLock is called in handleMessage(),
it will lead to deadlock.

Test: (For example)
Thread A:
DisplayListenerDelegate.handleMessage() -> <class lock>
DisplayListener.onDisplayChanged() -> DMG.getCompatibleDisplay() ->
DMG.getDisplayInfo() -> <DMS.mLock>

Thead B:
DMG.registerDisplayListener() -> <DMS.mLock> -> DisplayListenerDelegate.setEventsMask() -> <class lock>

Signed-off-by: default avatarjiayongqiang <>
Change-Id: Ie1a8728339c16fa8f4c4f5c758821c836fa1c96b
parent 2a1dc3a8
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