support cellbroadcast data migration by dafault
As part of mainline effort, cellbroadcastreceiver package name has been renamed. Now its a completely new apk with different uid. That said all user data e.g, cellbroadcast history and user preference from legacy app are gone. This change is to support preserve user data when devices upgrate to R and take cellbraodcast. mainline module. 1. create legacy cellbroadcast app with old pakcage name this app only surface the old data and should not contains any activities/services to handle emergecy apert 2. legacy cellbroadcast app will be included to the system image by default. OEMs are free to remove it if they don't care data loss or after R data migration is done. leagcy app will not be part of apex. 3. the real mainline module rename to Bug: 155844209 Change-Id: I5e61c7e777526e038cd8d9971a2c5b87c00eaacb
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