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Commit b8aaf97e authored by Mady Mellor's avatar Mady Mellor
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Move BubbleView methods into BadgedImageView; remove BubbleView

* Removed BubbleView
* Moved the icon / badge logic into BubbleIconFactory
* Moved everything else into BadgedImageView

* Introduced dot states in BadgedImageView which hopefully makes that
  easier to read
* Altered Bubble#setShowDot to also animate the dot visibility
* Altered BubbleFlyoutView to be able to animate the dot away for
  DND scenario

Test: atest SystemUITests (existing bubble tests pass)
Bug: 144719337
Bug: 145245204 (fixes the bit where tapping on bubble in expanded state
                doesn't animate the dot away but jump cuts instead)
Change-Id: I8cebf3e7f93db1920ede95eb6f7392560270767f
parent 5d8707ad
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