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Commit adff0ad3 authored by Babis Triantafyllou's avatar Babis Triantafyllou Committed by Johan Redestig
Browse files

Makes PhoneNumberUtils support international numbers after a CLIR command.

Makes support numbers in international
format (starting with ‘+’ character) after a CLIR command.

Previously a plus character would always be removed unless it
occupied the first position of the number string. In this case,
when the number is preceded by #31# (CLIR), the plus character
will be removed as well.

This is an error, prohibiting a type approval of the phone.

This change will detect the plus character after the CLIR command
and will insert it at the right position.

Change-Id: Ib220aee7b3eda30cde960db8c7470523dc5fd313
parent 25940667
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