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Commit a5e0f415 authored by Dan Sandler's avatar Dan Sandler
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SystemUI support for notification visibility.

In this implementation, DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER (which was never
really used on its own and can be safely subsumed by
when this SystemUI bit is set by the keyguard, SystemUI knows to switch
its presentation into "public" mode, in which
VISIBILITY_PRIVATE notifications are replaced with their
publicVersion's contentView (or a placeholder view,
synthesized by SystemUI, that leaks no additional
information about the notification). VISIBILITY_SECRET
notifications are suppressed altogether in this mode.

This behavior is enabled but not activated by default. To
turn it on, run:

  $ adb shell settings put secure lock_screen_allow_notifications 1

and restart SystemUI.

Change-Id: Id660bef7737580e16a83f60567c22b53ee81c602
parent 0bf2ed8a
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