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Commit a1d39f17 authored by Luis Vidal's avatar Luis Vidal
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Port "Settings: add a way to not localize zone selections" to cm-13

In specific cases we may not want to display the localized time zone
name in the time zone picker.

For instance, when the system language is set to English (US), going
into the time zone picker, we can find "London." After we set the
system language to English (United Kingdom), London becomes localized to
"British Summer Time."

To avoid this behavior and to always display the unlocalized version
of the time zone name, we can now set localizeInPicker="false" on the
time zone entry desired to not be localized. Note that if a translation
is available for the selected time zone, it will still be applied.

In this patch we add this attribute to the Kiev time zone. In English
this patch has no effect. However if the system language is changed to
Ukranian and we select Kiev from the time zone picker:

   Without this patch: in the time zone picker it would use local time
   zone translations, e.g. "за схдноевропейським літнім часом"
   (Eastern European Summer Time).

   With this patch: it displays "Київ" in the time zone picker. But
   still displays the localized time zone in the Date & Time settings.

Ref: CYNGNOS-453
(ported from commit c5aecaab60d353fcedd4579b9d94808be9838de2)

(cherry picked from commit f59a969a)

Change-Id: I13eec58fa52ba386a305acb5ae6dde5836c248bb
parent fc4b5be1
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