"...0d0cea2424ae97b27447dc64a7dbfae83c036c45b403392f0e8ba.png" did not exist on "65754098c03436f5b0c570c1cf384f85eada7137"
[ActivityManager] Ensure provider external access count will be released.
Sympton: Oom-adj of provider process will be always 0. Root Cause: Exception happend in openContentUri may not call removeContentProviderExternalUnchecked. Flow: application [MediaPlayer.setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri)] uri is invalid, IOException will be caught and below log will appear: "Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side" Continue to call setDataSource(String path, Map<String, String> headers) ->mediaserver [MediaPlayerService::Client::setDataSource] setDataSource(httpService, url, headers) calls openContentProviderFile ->system_server (ActivityManagerService) [openContentUri] Increase externalProcessNoHandleCount for media provider. Call [openFile] to media provider. ->android.process.media [check permission for openFile] enforceReadPermissionInner ->system_server [checkComponentPermission] Use mediaserver's uid to check READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE -> not granted due to it is pure native process, not a known package. Throw security exception then the flow of openContentUri is broke. And externalProcessNoHandleCount is unable to decrease. Application sample code: String invalidId = "54321"; Uri externalUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(externalUri, invalidId); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(mContext, uri); Solution: Move removeContentProviderExternalUnchecked to finally block. Change-Id: I75eec1f9631e9c6bb18449946d707d51ac21e8a7
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