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Commit 8a7785c7 authored by Adam Cohen's avatar Adam Cohen
Browse files

Cleaning up the way in which the challenge influences widget size on first measure pass

    -> This change ensures that on first draw, the widget is the appropriate size if the
       security challenge is covering it.
    -> This change is in preparation for some new policy surrounding widget sizing --
       with this new policy, a given widget may need to be small even if the page is
       not being covered by the challenge. Hence, we propogate this small size to
       all the pages, whether or not they are covered. The pages will eventually
       use this.
    -> Ensure that paging hints are shown correctly (with the new sticky widget
       logic the page can be switched, and we weren't always seeing the appropriate
    -> Also ensuring that the page is set correctly on first draw -- generally
       this change should make it so everything is right on the first draw.

Change-Id: I7e03be9b027aed0ebb0fada05652b4226fd23897
parent 1108a2cb
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