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Commit 843cd5ea authored by Hawkwood Glazier's avatar Hawkwood Glazier
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[DO NOT MERGE] Revert "[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Migrate KeyguardClockSwitch to new..."

Revert "[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Expose the clock version of google..."

Revert "[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Changes to SystemUIGoogle to suppo..."

Revert submission 19508951-revert-19451291-cherrypick-clock_migration-tvip0m638i-BKWSUCNJAV

Reason for revert: Double Revert w/ fixes
Reverted Changes:
Iccd8d2e19:[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Add clock version of google-...
I432d3d814:[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Migrate KeyguardClockSwitch ...
Ifd0aa59df:[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Expose the clock version of ...
I9a6ca6349:[DO NOT MERGE]Revert "Changes to SystemUIGoogle to...

To minimize merge issues, this topic consists of just cherry-picks from
master. Fixes for bugs are provided as downstream commits and will be
merged back to master as those bugs exist there as well. The commits
in this topic weren't tested in isolation beyond automated testing.

Additionally, I've updated the ktfmt exclude list to include new files
from this cherry-pick instead of reformatting those files.

Test: Screenshot test and manually validated each downstream fix mostly by
comparing reference images from known good builds to test builds.

Change-Id: Iff1d0ee8c6d09c77185be1ca5bbbe1aa5870e0c7
parent 7b21fb6b
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