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Commit 7be27aca authored by Svetoslav Ganov's avatar Svetoslav Ganov Committed by Svetoslav
Browse files

Print attributes hint not honored.

1. Initially we have a single printer, the fake PDF printer, and
   wait for printers to be discovered. This printer was handling
   only a couple of media sizes. Hence, if the app provides a
   media size hint and the PDF printer does not support it, we
   were essentially ignoring the suggested media size since it
   was not supported by the selected printer and we fell back to
   the default paper size for that printer. The fake PDF printer
   should support all predefined media sizes.

2. The list of available paper sizes was shown in the order they
   are added ignoring the current locale. It is much better user
   experience if the media sizes used in the current locale are
   shown at the top and all others after that. Also the media
   sizes for the current locale should be alphabetically ordered
   so the user can quickly find the desired one.

3. The orientation was reset on media size or printer change.


Change-Id: Iaa0d42242730ce69cea3effd4d0f4bc087068804
parent 5c126892
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