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Commit 63e2afe3 authored by Aishwarya Mallampati's avatar Aishwarya Mallampati
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DO NOT MERGE Grant carrier privileges if package has carrier config access.

TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges internally uses
SubscriptionManager#canManageSubscription to decide whether to grant
carrier privilege status to an app or not.
SubscriptionManager#canManageSubscription returns true if caller APK's
certificate matches with one of the mNativeAccessRules or
mCarrierConfigAccessRules. This over-grants carrier privilege status
to apps that only has mNativeAccessRules.
Carrier privilege status should
be granted to the caller APK only if it's certificate matches with one
of mCarrierConfigAccessRules.
Replaced SubscriptionManager#canManageSubscription with
PhoneInterfaceManager#hasCarrierConfigAccess which returns true only if
caller APK certificates matches with one of mCarrierConfigAccessRules of
the given subscription.

Bug: 226593252
Test: Manual Testing as explained in b/226593252#comment51
      atest CtsTelephonyTestCases
      Flashed build on raven-userdebug and performed basic
      funtionality tests

Change-Id: I662064529d2a9348f395fe3b541366de8bc2fe7d
parent a8aa3bc5
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