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Commit 63b3d8c6 authored by Raph Levien's avatar Raph Levien
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Fix extra text appearing after ellipsis

This is a fix for bug 7615701 TextView: calling setText with long
strings causes ellipsize to not work correctly. The problem is that the
"break" when the last line was ellipsized did not fully break out of
both loops of the processing logic, but only the inner loop. This
caused the outer loop to restart at the next span, causing the next span
boundary to overwrite the line end of the last visible line.

The fix simply returns from the function in that case, as there is no
further processing needing to be done.

Change-Id: I5b34233ffba6f0f6f1c12b9565b4fc53e83a4892
parent f4824a06
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