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Commit 44fb5455 authored by Beverly's avatar Beverly Committed by Beverly Tai
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For devices w/o haptics, show bouncer on biometric fail

When the device is showing a dreaming (includes default
dozing component when registered for DozeSensors and when
showing AoD) or the screen is off (device isn't interactive).

Fixes: 232021812
Test: atest BiometricsUnlockControllerTest
Test: on device that doesn't support haptics, fail fingerprint
  when a screensaver is set => bouncer appears.
Test: on device that doesn't support haptics, fail fingerprint
  when the device has doze gestures registered (ie: tap to wake)
  and the device is asleep (press power button for blank screen)
  => bouncer appears on fp failure
Test: on device that doesn't support haptics, fail fingerprint
  when the device doesn't have eany doze gestures registered
  (tap to wake, lift to wake, wake for notifications, etc) and the
  device is asleep (press power button for blank screen) => bouncer
  appears on fp failure
Change-Id: I8af8a1d5bcf28d7c8de456888f66d4b243b1e3b2
parent 35dfc1e3
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