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Commit 3550ac91 authored by Isaac Levy's avatar Isaac Levy
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Adding WifiInfo object in CONNECTED broadcast

Adding a parsable wifiinfo object in Connected broadcast, public api.
The connected broadcast only occurs on successful setup on the wifi
interface, so in normal use is very infrequent (once if the wifi
sleeps, or once at new hotspots, etc...)

WifiInfo objects are small, <10 ints, <5 short strings, and contain info
that could be useful to listeners, such as SSID.

The alternative is to the poll the Wifi Manager, using getConnectionInfo.
Because the Wifi Manager can update state in its own thread, polling the
Wifi Manager might result in an info object that's out of sync from the
received broadcast.

Change-Id: Iafcec77f45dd094ea84e6022b7a40e8952ae8137
parent 6461c973
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