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Commit 31d0cedc authored by Qasid Ahmad Sadiq's avatar Qasid Ahmad Sadiq Committed by Qasid Sadiq
Browse files

Deprecate boundsInParent in favor of boundInScreen.

If the service has boundsInScreen the boundsinparent can be computed.
Also for its whole existence, boundsInParent is the bounds within the
ViewParent's coordinates. But the ViewParent is quite often not the
AccessibilityParent (if it isn't important for accessibility), so the
service can't really do anything with that information because the
service doesn't have access to the ViewParent, only the

Test: It builds.
Bug: 1084662
Change-Id: If88dcaac6dcb824d72d7f483c05cbb544314423c
parent d4b6ff81
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