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Commit 2d1aff99 authored by Linus Tufvesson's avatar Linus Tufvesson
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Allow some cross activity touches

Resolve app compatibility issues caused by ActivityRecordInputSink
agressivly blocking all touches. This change makes
ActivityRecordInputSink more conservable and it now only blocks touches
if the touches would otherwise:
1. Cross a task boundry
2. Go to an activity with a different uid AND that activity hasn't
   explicilty launched an activity with the same uid as this activity

Bug: 231701903
Bug: 194480991
Test: atest CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases:CrossAppDragAndDropTests
Test: atest CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases:PinnedStackTests
Test: atest CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases:WindowUntrustedTouchTest
Change-Id: Icd1668f465ba01b330c056d9ea95aed6104fc6a9
parent 4fda65ce
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