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Commit 0fed1d8e authored by fun's avatar fun Committed by Steve Kondik
Browse files

Rework thumbnail handling

Since ids of media file are usually not continuous, the original file of thumbnail are
sparse. When there are big numbers files on ex\
ternal storage, the size of this file will be horrible.
Ex, when the id is 20000, then the .thumbnails/.thumbdata3-xx file will be 50000*10k = 488.28M.
Can refer

Because after 4.0, MediaProvider will scan any files, this will be a big problem. So I modify to avoid this.
According to the id, we now produce an index file. In this index file, one id will use BYTES_PER_MINTHUMB_INDEX(8) bytes in offset (i\
d+1)*BYTES_PER_MINTHUMB_INDEX. The data of these 8 bytes is the index of thumbnail file. The first BYTES_PER_MINTHUMB_INDEX bytes kee\
p next available index. And when you need insert a thumbnail, the index increase by 1. In this way, the block data in thumbnail file \
will be continuous. And thus unnecessary zero paddings will not be saved.

Change-Id: I66005dd69b0a5c8f4353bd7a8225d163a654fd2d
Signed-off-by: default avatarChet Kener <>
parent 8984d333
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