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Commit 0fbd524c authored by Michal Brzezinski's avatar Michal Brzezinski
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Launching AppSelector from PermissionDialog without using AnimationController

Because MediaProjectionAppSelectorActivity is not full screen activity,
launch animation would not look good anyway so we don't need
AnimationController. Also there's a bug (b/301047305) when animations
are not run and AnimationController gets stuck.

Fixes: 300056100
1. have two apps in split screen in foreground
2. expand shade and using QS tile start single app screen recording
3. choose to screen record one of the apps in split screen
4. Everything works, screen recording notification shows up

Change-Id: I164ed5ed7e2cbb4b33d9baac3f5a04a3f2cf32dc
parent 4722c8f8
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