feat(force invert): force force-dark if force invert is enabled
Force invert always forces apps dark, even if the developer has used one of the opt-out APIs. It also ignores the dark theme setting, since that can be overridden by the app. Bug: 282821643 Test: atest ViewRootImplTest Test: manual: 0. `adb shell device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent && adb shell device_config put accessibility android.view.flags.force_invert_color true` 1. `setprop debug.hwui.force_dark 1 && cmd uimode night yes"` 2. Most apps will be dark, except ones that opt-out (e.g. Twitter). 3. `setprop debug.hwui.force_dark 0 && settings put secure accessibility_force_invert_color_enabled 1 && cmd uimode night no` 4. All apps will be dark, regardless if they opt-out (e.g. Twitter). Change-Id: I425b401c3e1a59d9c9d9445c6c056613d4da7982
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