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Commit 0214e947 authored by Suchi Amalapurapu's avatar Suchi Amalapurapu
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For intent ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED, there could be a lot of broadcasts...

    For intent ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED, there could be a lot of broadcasts related to enabling/disabling
    components by apps which could result in thrashing on the PackageManager. For apps that
    do not want to be restarted when such a broadcast is sent, we can just aggregate these broadcasts and
    handle them at one go.
    Changes include:
    New structure to hold pending broadcasts by class name. If a component is enabled or disabled frequently
    aggregate component enabled/disabled settings in this structure in a 10 second window and then
    send out the accumulated list of broadcasts to the ActivityManager.
    A new Handler implementation handles this message
    Add new attribute name EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME in broadcast intent Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED for
    additional information for apps like Launcher.
    Rename a couple of parameters, the names were too jarring.
parent bb54f93f
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