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Commit ebe40834 authored by Jean-Michel Trivi's avatar Jean-Michel Trivi Committed by android-build-merger
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[automerger skipped] [automerger] [DO NOT MERGE] AMR WB encoder: prevent OOB...

[automerger skipped] [automerger] [DO NOT MERGE] AMR WB encoder: prevent OOB write in ACELP_4t64_fx am: 04e48ed8 am: 8b8f583f am: 30d710f5 am: 3faebc5e skipped: b257d641 am: ccab80f0 am: c49dabdd -s ours am: 83ded335 -s ours am: b1ff5c4a -s ours
am: f009a278 -s ours
am skip reason: change_id I33f476d94baec2feffc7bcccd0ad0481b8452518 with SHA1 9a44849c is in history

Change-Id: I2a2a6779249dc5036957ff94a09a1131b93d5a00
parents f52f79e2 f009a278
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