Collect all lsdump paths and write them to $(OUT_DIR).
$(OUT_DIR)/target/product/$(TARGET_DEVICE)/lsdump_paths.txt will contain all .lsdump paths relative to $(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP). This helps faster lookup while running scripts to generate reference dumps. Test: m -j findlsdumps for aosp_arm64_ab. $OUT_DIR/lsdump_paths/generic_arm64_ab/paths.txt has paths to lsdump files generated for the build. Test: m -j findlsdumps for aosp_arm_ab. $OUT_DIR/target/product/generic_arm_ab/lsump_paths.txt has paths to lsdump files generated for the build. Change-Id: Iab1640f57bf9d0af5e88e6dda64a610fedcbe87e
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