feat:1960: trackers and apps Wall of shame
Add a Wall of Shame
section on the home page of Advanced Privacy. This section has 2 tabs:
The Apps
tab is the default tab and lists the top 5 of apps leaking data. They're sorted by descending order of number of leaks in the past 30 days.
When tapping on the name of the app the user is brought to the app's detail screen.
At the end of the tab there is a VIEW ALL APPS
button. When the user taps on it they're brought to the Manage trackers
screen right on the Trackers Activity Summary
section with the Apps
tab selected.
The Trackers
tab lists the top 5 of trackers leaking data. They're sorted by descending order of number of leaks in the past 30 days.
When tapping on the name of the tracker the user is brought to the trackers' detail screen.
At the end of the tab there is a VIEW ALL TRACKERS
button. When the user taps on it they're brought to the Manage trackers
screen right on the Trackers Activity Summary
section with the Trackers
tab selected.
Technical details