1465 graph period
There is time range selector that enables the user to choose on which period of time they want to see the graph of blocked and allowed leaks: day, month or year.
This time range selector also impacts the stats displayed in the subtitles of the app or tracker name in the second part of the screen (cf. https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/backlog/-/issues/1203).
The time range selected by the user is saved for the next time the user opens the screen.
Technical details
- All the screen below the day-month-year tabs is a pager, so it involve a few changes.
- it means that this view as two imbricated pager, in a scrollview and with a recycler view in the deeper pager : the "fix pager height" hack is needded for both pagers.
- the Graph library as a limit of 25 graduations on X-axis, as a workaround, the Month graph as a graduation only each 2 days.
10 commandments of code reviews
Edited by Guillaume Jacquart