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Commit 84e5a237 authored by Adnan's avatar Adnan
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Telephony: Leverage UiccSmsController.

  L's implementation for MSIM Sms interfaces would spawn off
  a new IccSmsInterfaceManager for each active sub. So creating
  a new Proxy for each Manager to would lead to failed creations
  of an Sms Interface.

  Instead, we should leverage qualcomm's UiccSmsController, which
  takes in the array of active phones, and gets the correct
  IccSmsInterfaceManager for the user selected subscription.

  This patch also handles non-intercepted sms dispatches, and then
  routes them to the correct IccSmsInterfaceManager for the
  sms subscription selected by the user.

Change-Id: I7402135bfbbd6a29da5b1f18016adb24068aa49f
parent 54ec6b79
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