Merge "[automerger skipped] Fix bug: TestServiceState can't fake...
Merge "[automerger skipped] Fix bug: TestServiceState can't fake nr_state,data_roaming,voice_roaming am: f56b2588 -s ours am: 4b3c9eb5 -s ours am skip reason: Change-Id I9c216a8d0c0f4f2af9b0d749e68d34ea971b3ab9 with SHA-1 d27507d4 is in history" into rvc-d1-dev-plus-aosp am: 5f904235 -s ours am: 9b00b9c8 -s ours am skip reason: Change-Id I9c216a8d0c0f4f2af9b0d749e68d34ea971b3ab9 with SHA-1 f56b2588 is in history Change-Id: I6f5af8836a8787c49c028d95cdfaf10cc205bfa6
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