Add default capabilities when allowed plmn is not listed in carrier config
In case the entitlement server provides PLMN list and they are not in the list of carrier config, capabilities for those PLMNs will be empty. Therefore default capabilities in the key KEY_SATELLITE_DEFAULT_SERVICES_FOR_ENTITLEMENT_PLMNS_INT_ARRAY contains will be added as default capabilities for entitlement provided PLMNs. Bug: 332811510 Test: atest SatelliteControllerTest manually test as below sequence 1. connect SatelliteTestApp, SatelliteEntitlementTestServerApp 2. check getAvailableServices from TestSatelliteWrapper in SatelliteTestApp 2. override carrierconfig with PLMN of current SIM as in allowed list of entitlement server, with the test values. 3. turn on and off APM 4. check again getAvailabeService and verify test values are reflected. Change-Id: Ia48d7d917218a59bab78eadc59726d8f08853941
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