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Commit 29b19bfb authored by William C. Garrison III's avatar William C. Garrison III Committed by Adnan Begovic
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Telephony: If no wrapped message, originating address is null

A Verizon HTC m8 user reported this error:

which means that mWrappedSmsMessage is null, meaning it wasn't created
successfully by createFromPdu(pdu, format). Let's let getOriginatingAddress()
report this as a null, and see if createFromPdu(pdu) can create the wrapped
message properly.

Even if it's still a null, TextUtils.isEmpty will return true, meaning the
message's address won't be returned (better than crashing

Change-Id: I419bc3e6045b0cf7d62a348a0be02555e0f7b76e
parent 9e20514b
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