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Commit c30a88a2 authored by Martin Storsjo's avatar Martin Storsjo
Browse files

MPEG4Writer: Write a zero-length compressor string

The first byte is the number of bytes in the string to display,
the rest is the actual string (see ISO/IEC 14496-12:2008 page 29,
compressorname in VisualSampleEntry) to display. Currently, all 31
space characters are displayed in certain players (such as Apple
QuickTime Player) instead of the plain codec name (e.g. "H.264").
By writing the string length properly, the actual content of the
remaining 31 bytes is ignored instead of displayed.

Change-Id: I7f93a8966d74a4e86abc46c3dcb70f71780d9cd6
parent 12834fe2
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