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Commit b7e7a0c4 authored by Dongwon Kang's avatar Dongwon Kang Committed by android-build-merger
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Merge "Apply input buffer validation also to AVC and MPEG4 encoders" into...

Merge "Apply input buffer validation also to AVC and MPEG4 encoders" into mnc-dev am: ec990466 am: 616b039f am: 57a94044 am: 349264d8 am: 4d65e3c2 am: 222b40ee am: bd5d9a01 am: 9e85bf3d am: 22624512 am: 746cf013 am: 44722844  -s ours am: 82c2700a  -s ours
am: af747dc3  -s ours

Change-Id: Ib9ce2996c6a330d8dcb26c1fd292f06fd799d144
parents e9ebabb1 af747dc3
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