Add AppImage build
This MR adds a build job to create an AppImage version of the easy-installer.
On some linux distributions snap is not available out of the box which might make it too difficult for users to run the easy-installer. AppImage on the other hand is a self-contained executable that doens't even need installing, just download the file and execute it.
I've registered a local gitlab-runner on my machine and was able to successfully build the AppImage, see log at and artifacts at The part of publishing the artifacts (executable plus checksum file) is still missing at the moment as I don't have rights/credentials to push to /e/ download pages and/or the AppImage hub. This is something for you guys I'd expect.
For a little more info have a look at
Test environment
non regression test
/!\ Checked OS should at least be tested: /!\
windows -
linux -
MacOS Not supported yet_
As far as I'm aware, AppImage only works on Linux, so no need for Windows or MacOS.
/!\ Checked devices should at least be tested: /!
If no device checked, then you can pick anyone from the list
GS290 -
FP3 -
2e -
starlte -
star2lte -
dreamlte -
dream2lte -
herolte -
- Download build from latest pipeline of this MR
- make the binary executable via
chmod +x easy-installer.AppImage
- run via commandline
or (double) click in your GUI filemanager of choice
Uninstall the easy-installer test build:
- delete the downloaded file
Test procedures
- check that easy-installer starts after it was marked as executable
- use the easy-installer and check that images are successfully downloaded and the log file exists in
Check list
Self review -
Test procedure explained -
Tested on fresh install -
Tested applied as an update (IMHO not relevant, the update means just overwriting a single file with the new version) -
License -
Internal documentation -
User documentation