Promotion of audio-userspace.lnx.2.2-00007.
CRs Change ID Subject -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1048593 Iab214fa92e0e829b2f609bd53b4731c862456fc0 audio policy: reduce audio routing commands trafic 1106445 I5499d91eab08342c6d567a28997f8a58e8f0a71e qahw: test: Implement new api of set param for SourceTra 1105780 If923f486a44070a4824b80199bcaed5d902462fe hal: return proper backend index for USB headset 1102368 I6e64d149437775b00862f4bb2cf00e1a91a69e15 qahw: test: Handle SIGINT signal internally in test app 1081403 I12291cc7106f7530422891d1bee7e3d4530563c5 audio: qahw_effect_api: Initial version of QTI audio eff 1106445 Ib166c521a2f48b940798a760fd323eb076caa143 audiohal: Sourcetrack: Add new set api 1088245 I7e3cc754e2c7eb080da9b6ec1c2650a31e879991 configs: mixer_paths: Fix for ULL playback over a2dp 1101637 I30d594e0c15c0265958a313ce09748d156c7c750 hal: Fix update input device for Voice call when VOIP is 1094825 I200ed352ff3c9d048884c9e464ba7d75fc7beeca hal: update active_input after usecase is removed from l 1098250 I4dde722b8ae91a1312acdf0be63781e28868aa10 mm-audio: aac: modify aac encoding test app 1098250 Ic24860a21bb537dc39eca03d2a7153ceff16baba mm-audio: aac: modify aac encoding test app 1061420 Iaacaa61fc1eddacb1fe9d58ef194d8f980d8f934 hal: Add support for AFE sidetone 1088561 I8a220afa341c4e62612a809064754ddcd497d88a hal: go from head of usecase list after removing offload Change-Id: I40fd4f982b9ef3619538a6f43c95b43065723535 CRs-Fixed: 1102368, 1098250, 1081403, 1048593, 1088561, 1101637, 1061420, 1088245, 1106445, 1094825, 1105780
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