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Commit 0ac726ea authored by Linux Build Service Account's avatar Linux Build Service Account
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Promotion of av-userspace.lnx.1.0-00013.

CRs      Change ID                                   Subject
         I9c0dd7d952ab9d6b9bf738074d97597622e09590   hal: Add provision to select backend based on codec type
683288   Ie6849bbd3de9474fa556bfe4b183a10a44e4b3e8   audio: Support for compress offload recovery
873528   Iaf43c30b091f78c2ffb8b2740f241f2edfbe5a08   hal: reroute active capture usecases which share same ba
         I99df4fe32c7cd51b5f162b86639794dcd3c8d13e   hal: add support for 8976 tasha sound card
         I1669f2d7dfd3bacae093b63e700cf27317aac0a5   hal: pass samplerate as is to tiny compress
         Idc8f6690d7c06883dbfcf55b073d4456a8c27e5c   policy-hal: add custom audio policy
         I9e214f1d01dc8537c8a7800fb174676d9a6ee5c8   hal: audio_hw: Allow 50ms sleep if audio start fails bef
         I1716182a16d85f78de60b3435a2b54e9e05339cd   hal: audio_extn: add proper check to append null termina
877363   Ib980e36d111c1671303abe2b19341568d9fd2331   hal: Add codec EC reference support
         I1a3e0cbb01360e4d2e7b0ba0ecf8a1bee7fecda7   hal : Overwrite the APP type for PCM RX and TX path
         I20de875615141a4a331383a5348abd28b97306f7   hal: Fix alignement of buffer sent to DSP for multichann
         I0b67629014e92243ab654c2df6e8c23090048090   hal: Define a new combo device for AANC and Fluence
         I49a3355eb51a4ba2fdcef0e68482ee5078e7798a   hal: set proper bitwidth and format values
         Idd31ed9e7b7235245c3dda4ccb11b47762db5ee8   hal: audio: add tz_names extn to support from audio plat
         I0de4bd67fbfc26c21c4751e32ae2c45278a226d0   hal: Update DS2 implementation to support ACDB based lic
         If5870e843928ee0995959042eb4d2534290b0164   hal: Enable logs for EDID messages.
         I9fa3a7b49529ace5c28e82b788ffbfd612d59791   policy-hal: fix glitch in playback while applying setFor
         I2234bee3cc4d6f16934a4b27ef9da21cde74bb48   hal: Add support to enable vbat feature
899756   I8b1c356f65ec273802cda282b1500a3859e837ce   hal: update in_call state to false when call stopped
         Ie69c988ef9cd0477efa77611ceddccdd6b17a163   policy_hal: hal: add support to enable Direct PCM
         I0ce017ea4dca04eb25055e669e72bda0c281b22c   hal : Fix for SA+ app type selection for PCM Capture use
         Ib5ca3d70eaeeecfa78529b939674d766388b133e   policy-hal: extend getDeviceForStrategy for WFD use-case
         Ia4b6dcf74b2434f3751cd76e02704b62fc30f822   hal: Audiosphere SA+ concurrency implementation
         I17cf4430b9d401c42817b75c4456617bdda78647   hal: set output bitwidth to 24 bit for 32 bit data.
         I553c94d392535d89046e1d301cc673b19833a21b   policy_hal: check PCM offload property to decide offload
         I60d554361af7cd060303f74ab4db3f9fa3616160   hal: add support for 8976 qrd skun device
892056   Ie599f990c5d7224a6261e703c099fb98b5980c35   hal: integrate ADM module
889183   I6685dd0f346072029ca51e4ce92856a13e74ee76   hal: add support for ull audio playback
         I81ec4f355bbccdf5cabf4981437d2778acbf4c37   hal: check for initial calibration temperature threshold
         I78e7215dc848a95a99669f4e54772f709b512fcf   hal: add support for 8976 qrd skun device
844010   Ibeb7ece5f8799c5119b2677e18da32df090b5ae1   audio: Fix for pop noise issue during HPX on/off
         I5155b60fa39511b30b7fa63382891088034fdcc6   hal: use updated acdb_init to pass ds1 license info
890371   Ib79eed79ddcd2bfed1d9bc322195036736a67cb2   hal: enable sidetone for VoIP calls on voice path
         I4c243c49c394c45857bed6a3cf53720d21e3cf82   hal: audio_extn: detect wsa analog mono speaker on 8976
         Ibf192492d259a722070a08f4764fde9498dd268d   audio: Enable External HDMI support
         I1a3e0cbb01360e4d2e7b0ba0ecf8a1bee7fecda7   hal : Overwrite the APP type for PCM RX and TX path
         Ifc2ac493442dda1fbe564b066fab0710a14d1759   post_proc: Audiosphere SA+ concurrency implementation
         I583f1129efab1bfe0e8854c85e3aa70620e7db52   audio_extn: sound_trigger: Send device events to ST HAL
         Icc1de9f4ac3ff7981d2325fbda4891d9b8476df7   hal: policy: fallback to deep buffer if stream is music
         Iebbc0bf60be3bb12d752a1c905f71e9ea14fbf46   hal: Read hotword data from sound trigger hal
890371   Ib79eed79ddcd2bfed1d9bc322195036736a67cb2   hal: enable sidetone for VoIP calls on voice path
839663   I7aea55af963cf939286e5b349ff25fd783314679   hal: Fix sidetone sequence during voice call
         Ifaa39ad1892d6e506fb29b252e8685dc963e12ed   hal: Add ACDB support for 8976 tasha lite
         Ibd8e6bea78d5e686c25ea5a5bb77b1cc5e53604e   hal: fix querying MAD calibration
         I8c0a99dbaae860a261ce2f15b6056d3d9c545568   policy_hal: Override stopOutput method in policy_hal
913925   I8f93b1c697794e686d19c6c78823a095333b5369   hal: expose offload functions only for offload playback
         I92fe10c617d6158976a0e07eed3275acb0aadd15   policy_hal: fix improper voice-playback concurrency hand
         Ie45a622ecd8da4a9fdccd0dc535f1399f8681ae7   hal: Fix array length computation for backend id array.
         I66c7d1896f4260754551f03852fa8c140abf0e53   hal: Set ddp endpoint params for Dolby decoder
842795   Id34e639b2c169e95f17400bc3141206dfc6ad0b9   hal: update pcm ids for multi offload use cases
         Iae418aa72a852d66dc64bdfb90a4600e40f8cae6   hal: audio_extn: fix speaker protection initial cal issu
         I0ce017ea4dca04eb25055e669e72bda0c281b22c   hal : set Non SA+ app type for PCM Capture
906352   Ifff5ff621dd0a043f136f44bb9507ec190b74507   hal: limit 44.1 Native to tasha codecs
         I0de4bd67fbfc26c21c4751e32ae2c45278a226d0   hal: Update DS2 implementation to support ACDB based lic
         I0a1a3acbd41bd948a272eb5f4384f820be3ea4c9   hal: Update ACDB ID for stereo WSA speaker
843262   I12c901efba39dad771d6df9c2332becd8ee9f1d8   hal: spk_prot: fix initial calibration fail with usecase
         I1297eb766458f2705d14311b6e49818f47f49a57   hal: audio_extn: spk_prot: add support for wsa temperatu
         I2afb205c15f73545168a8d1f68b29df01934da88   audiopolicy: use deep buffer output by default for music
         I716dc16abe920dad4b3d18281624a7d85967ea0b   hal: Add provision to select hpx backend based on the co
         Ic010ce212011519e729601d067f8ddb6737c6b28   hal: Limit multichannel clips >48khz to 48Khz
756508   I0f8b2e0f19cfe736a19934ddef18016599ec582c   hal: use 0 as default return value for out_get_render_po
         I6fe8fd6890ee8e896b6430f3ad170850d77b17d5   audio_policy: modify few methods to appropriately overri
712950   Iab7a6fddb3dda045fab94cd72de8e658721d9237   hal : Set the input device for VOIP calls using audio pa
         Ib2dd85a636bf840a22ea7116c5f84889d4218423   audio: Updated correct end point for Dolby
856812   I67be148f85acc7c155ed222d652d5fedfb6a5e9b   hal: Increase PCM offload buffering
         I1291e3d0ade43a0d7412e29abb2383c713d1e40f   hal : Avoid use of small buf flag and bit width info.
892792   Id1cc27db8ddbbdbf1dffc02c07ce7785b184770b   hal: Fix the device disable/enable sequence for capture
712950   Iab7a6fddb3dda045fab94cd72de8e658721d9237   hal : Set the input device for VOIP calls using audio pa
         I2642ba8cf0fc5854cd26ceaf6f773786b87bff74   hal: audio_extn: enable speaker protection for wsa analo
         If2f01c6b18927ab28ecf1083f3b60bbf3d3191c4   hal: add support for WCD9326 codec
         Ifd5254da910e392a270067c36c31c5cfaa75f9fc   audio: remove 5.1 channel mask if SSR is not supported
         Ie423af6847e4bfd49722239105aaba4fecf9469b   hal: Add support for AAC ADTS offload playback
         If92e43f3a15f0a9cfdf2819827c7f7a0ba852e3d   haL: audio_extn: fix pop noise when FM is interrupted by
         I7207291f2c27da13ba0cc77c66de1144f4b9888a   hal: Add support for Native Audio(44.1kHz)
         I6fccff8821f737790f040751aaa03584006a23a1   audio: HAL to support for peripheral manager
         I9f1c4f82b84805b5f7a0aa770b333e7f2aeee21c   audiopolicy: Do not close SoundTrigger input in CloseAll
         Ibf192492d259a722070a08f4764fde9498dd268d   audio: Enable External HDMI support
         Ib9c9e8fcd6530e35700fa2369f2029cf2de3199f   hal: Add support for Native Audio(44.1kHz) on msm8952
877363   Ib980e36d111c1671303abe2b19341568d9fd2331   hal: Add codec EC reference support
920308   Ib3ac78fb3d9d20aa42948d25d32d69a897ab5c5b   audiopolicy: Fix to close all opened inputs in closeAllI
875991   I72355effd0109b949607cbeba363f3638199b427   hal : Set the input device for VOIP calls using audio pa
         I40bda351a9fc2b466ad65cb26074383d075c28e7   hal: Add support for 8909 QRD skua/skuc
752390   I7cac5a0166ee9e19ab8753f567bde712ca36ebb3   hal: add support for low-latency capture
854305   I14d8771c5de47cdc8fafb6dfc12663f0fe1ed845   hal: Fix error in sending channel map to driver
877404   Ifff05c4674799da37e951946215072529aa7fb55   hal: use ANC devices when ANC is enabled for Native stre
         I1dcc3591ab2c1dc917da782f1cb30a1fd95e1a83   Audio:hal: Add support of sound card for SBC8016 platfor
         If5870e843928ee0995959042eb4d2534290b0164   hal: Enable logs for EDID messages.
         I4192c8cc793c48d7647d7652366c8c92ceb469cc   hal: check offload_callback not NULL before calling
868041   Iad626a7400246e80a97a926234cfb7756ec6083e   post_proc: fix reverb processing issue when preset is se
         I5689b27552c8bf603b25ae37673b6918030adc34   hal: Enhance log msgs for 44.1 Native Feature.
752390   I7cac5a0166ee9e19ab8753f567bde712ca36ebb3   hal: add support for low-latency capture
         Iebb3ae6f8e0afc8cf4e83889d33299d550589a34   Revert "hal: Limit multichannel clips >48khz to 48Khz"
         I7cb75730fbc2824be28c72b22cc18a9086fbdf3b   hal: Reject hardware NT decoder session during SSR
902360   I5ded92ec6d1727dd3068410ca32ff2e385ab0aa5   hal: use a new key to query the DSP decoder availability
         I0fa43bab085ee35bb51cd849788c4fac8abeb422   hal: Check to ensure that backend is configured with cor
         I5ddce36581568d377a08ea5afe470bdff4349ec7   policy_hal: add support for fm device loopback
         Ic495825fd934cf8f030bae307e376f81376b6490   hal: Avoid sending MAD calibration
         I0a1a3acbd41bd948a272eb5f4384f820be3ea4c9   hal: Update ACDB ID for stereo WSA speaker
         I1925339b591cd29f11a71c287a2e53c0627e9e62   policy-hal: squash multiple changes/fixes to custom poli
851673   Ic52aad6995f62cbe24aabaf3580389c1b5f25557   hal: fix minor spelling error
         Icc4001763806f12a26653cc821315837239925ce   hal: read thermal equilibrium temperature from wsa881x
         Ic8146d8ed5ab7312fa40242c5fda00996a27c083   Revert "hal: Fix voice session setup failure"
         I1f5df3d9ceba7e23f046b2a28d816652f4b8d4fa   hal: codec calibration data using hwdep nodes
661095 661018   Iff5fdc49249eb035c2ccde18e190ccc6c3ff632a   hal: Add changes for dolby DS2
         Ie28b808058a4ec4ac1e85b7db3d3e3a9ba93c717   mm-audio: omx: post error to omx during SSR
         I6fccff8821f737790f040751aaa03584006a23a1   audio: HAL to support for peripheral manager
         I5155b60fa39511b30b7fa63382891088034fdcc6   hal: use updated acdb_init to pass ds1 license info
         Ie23803c8d1d26b40a6a61c0d4e7d61e3aba5c86f   hal: add support to send compress offload fragment size
         I30c202c39b4b15b37e7245fc2f1a427377178baa   hal: Performance mode during recording usecase
         I1ead34e4b3acaa5e309e11dfa2c7ba4cbd374e3a   hal: Surround sound record enhancement
883371   I2eba41b02b9f1e838c7c73b75558bdfbd75f7ed2   hal: Fix voice call routing issue on headset
         I3d8be22a4e28c50335820cab1e2b924f3b3b2d1c   audio: hal: Add support to send codec specific data in g
855783   Ibfaee75d658bffbcf2e9cdeaa589e0487c214b41   hal: Fix device selection at start of the voice call
868620   Ia8b8ef472ff881d2de3b8094a8a48ce63a1a40cb   post_proc: fix noise at start of multichannel playback i
         I3c2a73f36d60eefbb1c26d530f74d3dfc2b28ac5   policy_hal: Update custom policy manager to new base cla
         I1291f1fab0e3f6af68ace39ea99812a9596625b3   hal : Remove compress voip formats and voip_rx flag
         Ic010ce212011519e729601d067f8ddb6737c6b28   hal: Limit multichannel clips >48khz to 48Khz
841602   I65cd0ca4e30cc8d1db87d81b2d84122164ea548e   hal: Fix incorrect fluence devices selection for VoIP ca
         Ia6398eb1b0a3cb117a16f9fd4cb3637f5ce17be8   policy-hal: Fix for alarm tone heard even after dismissi
         I08c48f57c4fe747af8c19d12c986a5b9279bca03   hal: add checks for calibration buffer allocation failur
         If2f01c6b18927ab28ecf1083f3b60bbf3d3191c4   hal: add support for WCD9326 codec
         I17a9e240e552c4089d3e9c7a25e437fb5b5433f9   hal: fix compilation issues with audio FM extention
         Ic0821a4f22f99d44e98c2bd48179edcaa2c9247e   hal: Add support for LINE out device
877404   Ifff05c4674799da37e951946215072529aa7fb55   hal: use ANC devices when ANC is enabled for Native stre
767185   I5ab709094d1c6b984d27f98327d3d8afa179fc92   mm-audio: aenc-aac: fix integer overflow for encoded buf
891536   I1ec64d469314670c0906f89ef763e9b8f7a56982   hal: fix glitch heard when FM playback started
         I799ee43f17975b33e37b94e222c4ce41f36bbc96   policy_hal: Reject offload path for AV streaming usecase
         Id0f824c4b4c033f42008a4e8868652c8f6fe5c42   hal: native audio backward compatibility
         Ie451ea683c90e02fdcdc5b9702649e73a55ab8c2   policy_hal: Add voip changes to audio policy
         I0d5aef7182eb6701c059231d28c448d963e8a20b   audio: hal: Add support for pm8916 on msm8909
         If19c67fdc522ace73f7d4a201863728b53cef063   policy_hal: Add Direct PCM flags for track offload
         I676bb0a870c22d912e8422795abcbbe9cd115318   hal: add new devices for VoIP usecase for 8909
906352   Ifff5ff621dd0a043f136f44bb9507ec190b74507   hal: limit 44.1 Native to tasha codecs
860604   Ia8b6d5f847b69392afbda1ba77fc740a47aba25d   post_proc: fix crash in offload effect bundle during sto
         I79069d6286fd63b688211826740b89d0a6f8afa7   hal: audio: change wsa detection to sysfs thermal
         I741dd5507d72ac45dff8006d3875abe8dbdc2df2   hal: Add support for 3-mic surround sound recording
         Id939ef128b2608b270e945bdcff51bf2b24ad19b   hal: add support for 8976 qrd skun evt2 device
         I0b67629014e92243ab654c2df6e8c23090048090   hal: Define a new combo device for AANC and Fluence
         I68561866d7c79a05ea81c331bc2fb3a36a63fb6f   hal: get wsa881x temperature zone names using key value
         If6912edd22a1c4512d083fde519df2408ff73d59   hal: Add support for 8909 QRD skue
906398   I3b8059b8966251e0e0cc979c968205dffebc14f0   policy_hal: Fix pop noise when MO call is started, while
         I1a3e0cbb01360e4d2e7b0ba0ecf8a1bee7fecda7   hal : Overwrite the APP type for PCM RX and TX path
         I51795dedf0f32c41c6a84889bb7f62ee21713720   hal: Fix for FM mute issue on start of FM record
         I0b67629014e92243ab654c2df6e8c23090048090   hal: Define a new combo device for AANC and Fluence
         I0ce017ea4dca04eb25055e669e72bda0c281b22c   hal : Fix for SA+ app type selection for PCM Capture use
         Ic81597f404902954ac2585a6706542e1a32971d4   hal: spk_prot: update initial calibration idle time chec
         I4415a8c014ca785716d5390a0c43a1ba41cd037f   audioid: fix for stlport dependency
         I3d8be22a4e28c50335820cab1e2b924f3b3b2d1c   audio: hal: Add support to send codec specific data in g
         I661f1ffe7cfd41edead82d06063802a3ad7b9b66   hal: Reduce minimum offload fragment size for PCM offloa
         I6303c6bcc949274d862a5de5d982d32c52108b76   audiopolicy: enable deep buffer output by default for mu
         I3fafda14f1177e437e46152d9b9ba78f3cf94fb2   hal: Reject DSP NT session during SSR
         I768793331e8dd79a886b80a3bcac8173e5da73ea   mm-audio: omx: post error to omx during SSR
         I9d967488717b3bf49578f7cdb56a55deda0ce379   hal: fix direct output flag test in open_output_stream
712950   Iab7a6fddb3dda045fab94cd72de8e658721d9237   hal : Set the input device for VOIP calls using audio pa
         Ic0a1e891ba7a013ed48f1e5c82d4051f8e8b5a9d   hal: Fixes for the issues reported by KlocWork
         Ifa2cedfd07d1120430aacb13350618d4a795e1df   hal: Update format table with AAC ADTS formats.
         Icb7a7ca7bb682d55a3cc8f7b26dc0bf511c30a69   audio: Re-initialize ACDB after SSR
914347   I168cad151ed3fa0d0d3281ec7aceb99ef58bc753   hal: update error handling for pcm_prepare failures
         I4582cdc98f4cf8189d89b648e5c3f6e0ce8089ab   audio_policy: Add extra check before restoring device in
853022   Ib110ce726c5eb73dd0c51ccfe1c3bd12e6503dc5   audio_hal: restart fm during device switch if analog wsa
         Ida0086aa30ab39e240581a3f482a450983d6ccd6   hal: Reject DSP decoder request during voice call
         I16184b39309f6d553a2132e713f4eb25398407e0   Revert "hal: pass samplerate as is to tiny compress"
843835   Ic9faad28d71110a5398ed5a9063ea07c5279bc9f   hal: msm8916: Add single session voice call usecases and
         If64d5fa5d124b42d40d7e123b887db8e0a5d7426   hal: compilation fix for extended feature flags
902360   Id6819b1b953c8ba9948c85218d98beb789f92631   hal: add a new key to query for decoder viability
         I5468b2875d0fd028e5c32f25c15b5de0095e7007   hal: audio_extn: enable speaker protection for 8976 tash
         I685cac90d67e7ce39684a3366092e4e19a17be1f   Revert "audio: hal: Add support to send codec specific d
         Ib73e5abf4cc60b5439733054d06c3dc1613f9d51   hal: spk_prot: fix KW error in spk protection module
         I4921f8ff6d129a7c57978bd963f89fab58c33867   hal: compilation fix for voice extended feature flag
         Ifaa39ad1892d6e506fb29b252e8685dc963e12ed   hal: Add ACDB support for 8976 tasha lite
         I8d1befa0791ae9a3bce868c1c3ef262ff489f052   audio HAL: fix thread starvation
         I6879081dd30969a7d1f162ea73b912442db2bef6   policy-hal: upgrade custom audio policy for concurrency
872772   Ic2884ac7010e4f835df871719d546c0c05173f4b   post_proc: explicitly disable virtualizer module if stre
859796   I9a5a6b9296d168e9292b94fda147491ee35c0edd   hal: Fix voice session setup failure
849162   I830e31344aeeab055d88da5e6c735f3747d69ad4   post_proc: include BT A2DP headset for BassBoost effect
892792   Ibbc8abf2704f487a0e5a1ca306f1972efd99d1f1   Revert "hal: Fix voice call routing issue on headset"
859085   Ifc48fb6627e1515e18e0585cfd0837e393f6f445   hal: Modify EAGLE framework to use generic audio device
         I575125ca485d41b04e31d60f37619037329b0895   hal: add FM_TUNER capture support
         I273aa392080e67a605137c43a3a5b798f66513fb   hal: effect: visualizer: support two offload sessions
756508   I0f8b2e0f19cfe736a19934ddef18016599ec582c   hal: use 0 as default return value for out_get_render_po
         I1a9626a7951aa3d54fb2d92a9167e5f92b5f523f   audio: hal and post_proc KW and misc fixes
         I58c331caca4123651139685bb6c1eb20588a8097   hal: Fix for memory corruption during Sub System Restart
848419   I4f1fdbff98543b47930fd2ab1e82d35ead2783ed   hal: update acdb device id of aanc handset dual mic
766541   Id1573160001a2a252dc6613b58f70233e77cc3b4   audio: Fix for clip skip issue during SSR
         I7d051bd65e84d264fe94bd4166f400069405434c   policy_hal: Update the proxy device enum value
         I3a04b6b7dd26aa53c1726d6a9a8e3cb72f7ba74e   hal: fix missing calibration issue for playback on speak
661095 661018   Iff5fdc49249eb035c2ccde18e190ccc6c3ff632a   hal: Add changes for dolby DS2
         I9d967488717b3bf49578f7cdb56a55deda0ce379   hal: fix direct output flag test in open_output_stream

Change-Id: I6a01922e6e69a31a4360924c814a42a2586875ee
CRs-Fixed: 683288, 873528, 877363, 899756, 892056, 889183, 844010, 890371, 890371, 839663, 913925, 842795, 906352, 843262, 756508, 712950, 856812, 892792, 712950, 877363, 920308, 875991, 752390, 854305, 877404, 868041, 752390, 902360, 851673, 661095 661018, 883371, 855783, 868620, 841602, 877404, 767185, 891536, 906352, 860604, 906398, 712950, 914347, 853022, 843835, 902360, 872772, 859796, 849162, 892792, 859085, 756508, 848419, 766541, 661095 661018
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