App Lounge - search queries - more space for app titles
- /e/ version: App Lounge (but as well Apps) - all versions
- Device model(s): any
The current design of App Lounge/Apps has its limitations in search queries when displaying all important information users are looking for when searching for new apps. Especially on displays with a lower resolution and when users increase the font size of their devices. In particular the visibility of app titles can become very limited, but the app title is crucial for users to determine whether they download the app they are intending or another (unwanted one).
Therefore I am suggesting to rearrange the space in search queries slightly in order to leave the full width of the display for displaying the app name.
See below (IMG) for an example: The upper app (All Trails) is being kept in the current design, the lower one (Here WeGo) is a sample how it could look like. The space needed for displaying all necessary information will need to increase, but modestly.
Advantage of such a modification could be as well to obtain enough space to display whether an app is a PWE or Open Source: #5097 (closed)