Test Run - /e/OS v2.8 avicii HealthCheck
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#277 Check the location based on network scenario
Given that "com.mirfatif.mylocation" app is installed When the user is indoors without any proximity to the window/sky And GPS is enabled And WiFi Internet enabled And cellular data is enabled Then the "My Location" app is launched And validate that location accuracy under "Network" is under 20m And validate that there is no location reading under "GPS"
#60 Installing the downloaded OTA update scenario
Given that eOS has been installed And the device is connected to the Internet And the user navigates into "Settings > System updater" When the user click on the refresh button(circular arrow icon) And if download is available and listed And clicks on the Download button And once the update is downloaded, click on the INSTALL button Then the update should be installed successfully And upon reboot, the device should boot to the update version of eOS
#56 Fresh install of /e/OS on device scenario
Given that the required version of /e/OS has been downloaded And adb and fastboot has been configured And the user has gone through the device specific installation page When the installation is started Then the installation of eOS on the device should be successful And the device should boot to OS after installation
#3 Perform factory reset on the device scenario
Given that the device has "Murena" account configured And there are Photos on the phone And there are Videos on the phone And there are SMS on the phone And there are call logs on the phone And the phone is encrypted When the user navigate to **Settings > System > Advanced > Reset options > Erase all data(factory reset)** And tap on **Delete all data > Delete all data** Then phone should reboot And the phone should be reset And the phone should boot to OS And after going thtough Initial Setup Screen And there should be no old data/accounts on device
#6 Send an SMS with both Wi-Fi and cellular data on scenario
Given there is a valid/working SIM card inserted into the handset And the device is latched to the service provider's network and have a decent signal strength And the cellular data is on And Wi-Fi is on When an SMS is sent from the test handset to another number Then the SMS should be successfully sent
#7 Receive an SMS with both Wi-Fi and cellular data on scenario
Given there is a valid/working SIM card inserted into the handset And the device is latched to the service provider's network and have a decent signal strength And the cellular data is on And Wi-Fi is on When an SMS is sent from a test number to mobile number of the test handset Then the SMS should be successfully received
#10 Test SafetyNet status scenario
Given that "YASNAC" and "SafetyNet Test" app are installed And the device is connected to internet either through wifi or cellular data When "SafetyNet Test" app is launched And tap on "RUN TEST" And "YASNAC" app is launched And tap on "RUN TEST" Then the outcome of the test status should be "Passed"
#12 Adding and using a fingerprint scenario
Given have a screen lock with "PIN" authentication When tapping your PIN from "Settings" > "Security" > "Fingerprint" Then the Fingerprint page is displayed When tapping on "Add fingerprint" Then the fingerprint wizard shows up When putting several times your finger on the fingerprint sensor Then the fingerprint is sucessfully registered When locking the phone and waiting 2s And using your finger to unlock your phone Then the phone is unlocked
#13 Validate NFC scenario
Given NFC is enabled on a supported handset And NFC tools application is installed When NFC tools application is launched And touch an NFC tag(credit card, transport card...) with the device Then the handset should react And the NFC tools is able to read the NFC information And a system notification "NFC Tag detected" is displayed
#14 Sharing the connection with a Wi-Fi hotspot scenario
Given the "cellular data" and "Wifi" are on When switching to "on" the Wifi hotspot from "Settings" > "Network & internet" > "Hotspot tethering" > "Wi-Fi hotspot" Then a QR code is displayed on the right of "Hostpot name" When tapping on the QR code icon Then the Wifi name <hotspot device> is displayed And a QR code is displayed And the hostspot password is displayed Given have another device or laptop with Wifi When listing all Wifi Then the Wifi <hotspot device> is listed When connecting to this network and filling the password Then the Wifi is fully connected And you can navigate on internet with this connection without any trouble Then Turn off "Extend Compatibility" And test the connection again
#15 Share phone's internet connection via USB scenario
Given that a PC/Laptop **A** without any cellular data/Wi-Fi connection is connected with an /e/ OS handset **B** via USB And navigate into Settings > Network and Internet > Hotspot and tethering And enable **USB tethering** And the PC/Laptop **A** should notify being connected via ethernet When launching browser on PC/Laptop **A** And visiting the website **https://spot.ecloud.global/** in the web browser Then the website should be accessible
#19 Test call with a handset paired and connected via bluetooth with bluetooth enabled earphones/headsets scenario
Given that the handset is paired and connected via bluetooth with bluetooth enabled earphones/headsets When the call is setup on the handset Then the call conversation should be clearly audible to both the users And audio call should be played successfully through the bluetooth enabled devices And there should not be any degradation in audio quality And there should not be any stuttering in the audio
#22 Test music with a handset paired and connected via bluetooth with bluetooth enabled earphones/headsets scenario
Given handset is paired and connected via bluetooth with bluetooth enabled earphones/headsets When music is played from the handset on the bluetooth enabled earphones/headsets via bluetooth Then the music should be clearly audible on the earphones/headsets And there should not be any degradation in audio quality And there should not be any stuttering in the audio
#24 Map should center to user's position on world map scenario
Given the device has a SIM card inserted And GPS is enabled And WiFi Internet enabled And cellular data is enabled And the Maps app is visible on the UI When the Maps app is launched Then the world map should be displayed ideally centered to user's position
#25 Picture/Videos captured by the camera app is saved to the device scenario
Given the Camera app is visible on the launcher UI When the Camera app is launched And the user captures a photo using the front camera And the user captures a photo using the reverse camera And the user records a video using the front camera And the user records a video using the reverse camera Then the picture(s) should be saved to the device And the videos should be saved to the device And should be accessible using Gallery app And should be accessible using File Manager app.
#26 Connect to a Wi-Fi network scenario
Given the initial setup OR OTA update/upgrade of the device is complete And forget all the WiFi connections from the device, to which the device was previously connected to When the device is not connected to any WiFi networks And the user is able to list all the available WiFi networks in the device's WiFi menu And the user connects to known WiFi network And fills in the correct password Then the device should be successfully connected to the WiFi network And should be able to access the internet
#27 Make and receive a VoWiFi call scenario
Given turn off mobile data And turn on the Wifi And Wifi icon signal is displayed on the notification bar of the screen And from settings "Wi-Fi calling" is enabled with "Call over Wi-Fi" as preference And VoWiFi is available from "IMS status" page When a call is made to the /e/OS handset from another test number And a call is made from the /e/OS handset to another test number Then "Wifi" icon signal remains on the notification bar of the screen And the dialer displays the "Wifi" icon near to the duration call field And both the parties can hear each other without any disturbance
#28 Make a VoLTE call scenario
Given turn off the wifi And "Mobile data" and "4G calling" are enabled in settings And VoLTE is available from "IMS status" page And 4G or LTE icon signal is displayed on the notification bar of the screen When a call is made to the /e/OS handset from another test number And a call is made from the /e/OS handset to another test number Then 4G or LTE icon signal remains on the notification bar of the screen And the dialer displays the "HD" icon near to the duration call field And both the parties can hear each other without any disturbance