# GPlayAPI Google Play Store Protobuf API wrapper in Kotlin **For Educational & Research purpose only ## Disclaimer I'm not resposible for anything that may go wrong with: 1. You 2. Your Google Account. 3. Socio-economic Life, especially the nudes. 4. Girlfriend. 5. Crypto Wallet. ***Hold your own beer! ## Build git clone https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/gplayapi.git gradlew :assemble gradlew :build ## Work Flow 1. Obtain AASToken from (Email,Password) pair. 2. Obtain AuthData from (Email,AASToken) pair. 3. Use AuthData to access data. ## Usage ### AASToken Use one of the following tools * [Authenticator](https://github.com/whyorean/Authenticator) * [AASTokenGrabber](https://github.com/whyorean/AASTokenGrabber) ### AuthData val authData = AuthHelper.build(email,aastoken) ### Fetch App Details val app = AppDetailsHelper .with(authData) .getAppByPackageName(packageName) ### Fetch Bulk App Details (Max 20) val appList = AppDetailsHelper .with(authData) .getAppByPackageName(packageNameList) ### Fetch APKs/OBBs/Patches val files = PurchaseHelper .with(authData) .purchase(app.packageName,app.versionCode,app.offerType) ### Fetch All Categories val categoryList = CategoryHelper .with(authData) .getAllCategoriesList(type) //type = GAME or APPLICATION ### Fetch Search Suggestions val entries = SearchHelper .with(authData) .searchSuggestions(query) ### Search Apps & Games var helper = SearchHelper.with(authData) var appList = helper.searchResults(query, null) while (helper.hasNext()) { appList = helper.next() } ### App Reviews var helper = ReviewsHelper.with(authData) var reviews: List = helper.getReviews(packageName, filter) //filter = ALL, POSITIVE, CRITICAL while (reviews.size >= ReviewsHelper.DEFAULT_SIZE) { reviews = helper.next(packageName, filter) } ### User Reviews var helper = ReviewsHelper.with(authData) //Submit or Edit review val review = helper.addOrEditReview(packageName, title, content, rating, isBeta) //Retrive review val review = helper.getUserReview(packageName, isBeta) ## Credits 1. [googleplay-api](https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api) 2. [google-play-crawler](https://github.com/Akdeniz/google-play-crawler) 3. [play-store-api](https://github.com/yeriomin/play-store-api) 4. [raccon4](https://github.com/onyxbits/raccoon4)