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# GPlayAPI
Google Play Store Protobuf API wrapper in Kotlin
## Disclaimer
I'm not resposible for anything that may go wrong with:
1. You
2. Your Google Account.
3. Socio-economic Life, especially the nudes.
4. Girlfriend.
5. Crypto Wallet.
## Download
GPlayAPI is available on [GitLab Package Registry](https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/gplayapi/-/packages).
Add the maven repository into `settings.gradle.kts` file's repository block:
Then, add a dependency upon the library in the `build.gradle.kts` file's dependency block:
To build the library locally, run the following commands:
git clone https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/gplayapi.git && cd gplayapi
./gradlew publishReleasePublicationToLocalRepository
This will generate an unsigned release build
([AAR](https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library.html#aar-contents)) in the
`lib/build/repo` directory.
1. Obtain AASToken from (Email, Password) pair.
2. Obtain AuthData from (Email, AASToken) pair.
3. Use AuthData to access data.
### AASToken
Use one of the following tools
* [Authenticator](https://github.com/whyorean/Authenticator)
* [AASTokenGrabber](https://github.com/whyorean/AASTokenGrabber)
## Usage
You need to build an instance of `AuthData` to call any method related with the API. Building an
instance requires Email and AASToken fetched from the above-mentioned workflow.
val authData = AuthHelper.build(email, aastoken)
val app = AppDetailsHelper(authData).getAppByPackageName(packageName)
val appList = AppDetailsHelper.getAppByPackageName(packageNameList)
val files = PurchaseHelper(authData).purchase(
val categoryList = CategoryHelper(authData).getAllCategories(type) //type = GAME or APPLICATION
val entries = SearchHelper(authData).searchSuggestions(query)
var helper = SearchHelper(authData)
var searchBundle = helper.searchResults(query)
var appList = searchBundle.appList
// To fetch next list
appList = helper.next(searchBundle.subBundles)
var helper = ReviewsHelper(authData)
var reviewCluster = helper.getReviews(packageName, filter) //filter = ALL, POSITIVE, CRITICAL
// To fetch next list
reviewCluster = helper.next(reviewCluster.nextPageUrl)
var helper = ReviewsHelper(authData)
//Submit or Edit review
val review = helper.addOrEditReview(packageName, title, content, rating, isBeta)
//Retrive review
val review = helper.getUserReview(packageName, isBeta)
1. [googleplay-api](https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api)
2. [google-play-crawler](https://github.com/Akdeniz/google-play-crawler)
3. [play-store-api](https://github.com/yeriomin/play-store-api)
4. [raccon4](https://github.com/onyxbits/raccoon4)