## eelo Drive's README #### Developer(s): - Vincent (vincent.bourgmayer@eelo.io) - Frank #### Actu: This branch is for the last run before the closed bĂȘta in august's end. #### TODO: This is the current Goal List: + Fully integrate into Account Manager: - Add fake content Provider - Check that account of type "at.bitfire.davdroid" works - Replace usage of setup activity + Fix issues: + issue # 0 : App's crash with dav query that are too long to finish + issue # 2 : When setup's activities is killed, it also kill the services in background + issue # 3 : Synchronisation rythme doesn't run as expected (too long and too spaced between two synced) + issue # 4 : If a folder declare to be synced during setup is removed and then re added, it won't be sync again.